Incastt Machines
Furnace and Fettling Area

Shell Firing Furnace
SFF – E 1500
SFF – OB 900
SFF – OB 1200
SFF – OB 1500
Are you worried how to achieve optimum firing of shells? Consider our Shell Firing Furnace that fires ! It fires the shells that’s just ideal for an investment casting foundry process! Operations is made easy with automatic ignition and temperature control.
Flipping a toggle switch and setting desired working temperature is all that is required. It comes with a digital temperature indicator controller with an error under +/-10 Deg.

Abrasive Cut Off Machine
ACM - 15K
ACM - 22K
We at Incastt have carefully designed and developed Abrasive Cut Off machine for clean and prescice separation of castings from the tree. ACM is a High powered, easy to operate, machine gives your foundry a quick and clean castings. Featured with a laser guide to help the operator align the cut.
The X-axis cross movement of the job mounting table is controlled by way of push button. This enables the operator to precisely locate the cut. Additionally, Control Panel provided will indicate the operator of various functions.

Shell Knock Out Machine
PKO - A (Heavy)
Do your castings have a hard shell which refuses to break easily. Is your operator execively strained and exposed to noise? Incastt’s Knock out machine provided the best solution for smooth and fast shell breaking operation.
The pnuematically operated heavy model is designed to handle large and heavy shells. the frequency of the hammer is tuned such that shell breaks away even from complex geometries with ease. The acoustic chamber helps greatly reduce the noise levels improving working conditions for everyone in the fetlling area.